Before using the site, please read the terms of this user agreement.

If you do not agree with the terms of this user agreement, then do not make purchases on the site!

Terms and Definitions

User – site visitor;

Account – a combination of login and password for the account where the purchased card is guaranteed to be located;

Instant delivery – after the purchase, the goods will be immediately delivered to you by e-mail, which is specified during the purchase;

Quality assurance – a guarantee of obtaining a gift card;

General position

1. Each user who enters the site automatically agrees with the data of this user agreement;

2. Buying on the site is a meaningful, independent and independent choice of the buyer;

3. If you did not specify your e-mail when placing an order and after payment did not click the “Return to the store” button, then you will not be able to receive your purchase and a refund will not be possible.

The administration has the right to change at any time the above rules at its discretion. At the same time, the changes made will immediately take effect and will apply to both future and existing purchases.


After successful payment, the gift card code will be sent to your email within 24 hours.